In 2025, monthly Guided Nature Walks will be held at Anderson Marsh State Historic Park on the second Saturday of each month, except for January and December. The Guided Walks are led by State Parks interpretive specialists and volunteer State Parks Docents, and provide an opportunity to observe wildlife at the Park and learn about their natural habitat, as well as to learn about the natural and cultural history and geology of the area.
The trail system at the park is also open to visitors during daylight hours for outdoor recreation such as hiking and bird watching. No dogs on the trails, please!
More information HERE.
The Anderson Marsh Interpretive Association (AMIA) is a non-profit association cooperating with the State of California Department of Parks and Recreation
The Park is located at the southeast corner of Clear Lake, at the formation of Cache Creek, on Hwy 53 between the Cities of Lower Lake and Clearlake, in Lake County, California. Clear Lake is the largest natural lake wholly within the borders of California. Consisting of 1065 acres, the Park includes 540 acres of mainly aquatic tule marsh classified as a Natural Preserve that provides valuable wildlife habitat and one of the largest Great Blue Heron Rookeries on Clear Lake. The Park contains archeological sites of the Southeastern Pomo that are at least 10,000 years old, as well as a 19th Century Ranch House and Barn complex built by the first European settlers on the land. There are hiking and boating trails that allow the visitor to experience several protected habitats within the Park, including freshwater marsh, oak woodland, grasslands and riparian woodland.
Click for more information about Anderson Marsh State Historic Park.
Anderson Marsh Interpretive Association (AMIA) was formed in 1984, after the State of California acquired the Park in 1982. The primary objective of the Association has been to promote educational and interpretive activities at Anderson Marsh State Historic Park. AMIA has played an important role in funding projects that the state would otherwise be unable to provide. These have included conservatory work, construction, trail work, interpretive displays, rehabilitation of facilities and historic objects, purchasing interpretive items, acquiring furnishings and providing literature and other interpretive information. Through the years, AMIA has helped to educate the public about the special and unique place now called Anderson Marsh State Historic Park.
In 2012, when budget cuts threatened closure of Anderson Marsh State Historic Park, AMIA entered into a new role when it joined State Parks in a Partnership Agreement that insured that the Park remained up to the public.
During the uncertainties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, AMIA worked with State Parks to ensure that funds were available to maintain the Park so that it would be ready to receive visitors when the Park fully reopened.
Now, in the face of current budgetary uncertainties that are creating challenges for State Parks, AMIA continues to work to ensure that Anderson Marsh State Historic Park remains open, thriving and available to the public.
Click for more information about how AMIA is working to support Anderson Marsh State Historic Park.
School, Senior and Group Field Trips
For information about Field Trips, contact California State Parks at 707-279-2267.
See our Facebook page for up-to-date news about AMIA and happenings at Anderson Marsh State Historic Park.